Wild One Tours, Market Rasen
Address : 6 Queen Street, Market Rasen, LN8 3EH
Please don't forget to mention that you got the contact information from LincsBikers Website, Thank you
Retail of performance motorcycle clothing and accessories. Tour planning and guide escorting service for one to two week not for profit tours in the UK and Europe.
Great motorcycle tour routes in good company. All the elements of an expensive high end professional company organised tour, but without the expensive. All of our tours are Not For Profit.
Save Money
No membership fees, subscriptions or costs associated with going to and from meetings.
The experienced guide pays his own way in the same that you do and his services are volunteered. So no payment for that!
Considerable savings can be made by pay upfront well in advance reservation of hotel and ferry services. Although less flexible in terms of amendment and cancellation conditions, payments for these services could well be covered in your travel insurance policy. More savings to be made by taking advantage of ferry and hotel promotional offers (most often in January sales).
When making your reservations with hotels it can pay to hold off on the offer to order and pay for breakfasts at the same time. You can order and pay for breakfasts when checking-in. It can be frustrating having paid for a hotel breakfast in advance, to find that there is somewhere nearby that offers more to your taste and cheaper.
The guide has many more experience learned best value tips to share while on tour.
Everyone who has purchased a tour information pack from us is entitled to discounts from the extensive ranges of motorcycle clothing, parts and accessories at or shop Wild One Stores.
Choice & Flexibility
For motorcycle tours operated by tour companies and other touring clubs you buy into a take it or leave it package of tour services that you pay for upfront.
With us you can follow our tour itineraries closely or loosely, dipping in or opting out as you like. The services of the experienced guide who accompanies our tours is volunteered and he pays his own way in the same way that you do. This means that by opting out of any part of the tour itinerary you are not losing out on any paid for in advance guide service.
A list of which hotels we use and where applicable which ferries we use is included in the tour information pack* that you purchase from our shop via this website when you book with us. Using the list and direct links to the hotel and ferry service providers on this website you make your own reservations with them and can choose between paying upfront for a discounted rate, or offering to pay a little more for more flexible amendment and cancellation conditions. For example flexible rate hotel bookings; Card payment is usually not taken until you check-in and you can amend or cancel your reservation at any time until 6pm on the first night of your stay.
With a flexible rate; If you can’t make a full tour and you need to leave early. Without loss of an upfront payment, you can cancel with a hotel and book with another that is on your way home. The advantage of flexi- ferry rates is usually limited to being able to board earlier or later ferries without paying a surcharge for doing so. But if you want, you can choose to reserve a return leg Channel Tunnel crossing, or an alternative ferry route that will take you nearer to home.
Comfort & Experience
Use the tour plan and knowledge of the tour guide for access to more than 30 years of tour planning and participation experience to use as though it were your own.
Ride on average around 200 miles and generally no more than 300 miles per day.
Rides are punctuated with many stops for refreshment, toilet, refuelling or simply to take the weight off for a while. Stops often coincide with places where there are scenic views or attractions to visit.
Benefit from off road parking at comfortable hotels in walking range to good dining and attractions. If we stop at a Riviera beach resort for instance, you can expect an air-conditioned bedroom and to be within walking distance of a decent beach, bars and restaurants.
Good Safe Fun
As part of a friendly group, you will find that should you need it, help is at hand. You will also be entertained and find that wherever you go the locals will be more interested and warm to you.
Our tour itineraries are designed to be doable with riding at the prevailing speed limits. We insist that each individual who tours with us should be comfortable with the prospect of riding at speed limits up to 130kph (80mph) and should for any reason anyone become detached from the guide or group, that they are happy to navigate their own way until they have caught up. Our tour information packs contain the framework for a personal emergency contingency plan. Each individual rider should ensure that they have made ample provision to complete their contingency plan by taking out a travel insurance policy that includes medical repatriation and a breakdown/ recovery policy that provides cover in the countries being visited.
We advocate ‘the buddy system,’ whereby riders in the group who would rather not go it alone for any significant distance, agree with another rider or other riders to always ride together. This way the riders at the front of the group aren’t frequently stopping while they wait for the others to catch up and the riders to the rear of the group don’t have to ride at silly speeds or perform risqué overtakes in an effort to keep those ahead in line of sight.